Compare Fastest Rolling Tires at Any Speed
at Speed and load Weight

Continental Grand Prix 4000S II 25mm Butyl 2014
24.4 Watts
Tire for Compare:

0 Watts
The calculator will help you to find rolling resistance required for road bike tires to ride with chosen speed and weight.
WEIGHT value in the calculations means load weight. You can enter your weight, and then the result will be for two tires.
Example 1:
Speed 40 km/h; Weight 80 kg (rider+bike); Tire: Grand Prix 5000 25mm Butyl, Tire pressure 6.9 Bar. Result: 27.8 Watts.
According to entered weight, the result shows rolling resistance for two tires.
Example 2:
You can find rolling resistance per each tire for Grand Prix 5000 25mm Butyl (tire pressure 6.9 Bar), depending on the weight distribution proportion.
For example, Front weight 45% (36 kg) and Rear 55 %(44 kg) with total weight 80 kg.
Then rolling resistance for front and rear wheels equals 12.5 Watts and 15.3 Watts.
You can play with the calculator and find results which very close to real road data.
Enjoy Cycling! Kind regards, Max
Tool v1.0 updated 23 Feb 2019.